Sermons on Spiritual Growth (Page 6)

Truth and Lies: Part 2 – The Flesh

I started a three-part series last Sunday called “Truth and Lies,” and in these three messages, I’m focusing on how Satan spreads “deceptive ideas that play to our disordered desires that become normalized in a sinful society” (those words come from Live No Lies by John Mark Comer). The “deceptive ideas” are lies from Satan (last week). The “disordered desires” are what the Bible calls “the flesh” (today). And the “sinful society” is what Scripture calls “the world” (next Sunday).…

I Will Follow You

It almost sounds like Jesus is trying to discourage people from following him, doesn’t it? And yet, of course, we know that he came to invite everyone to follow him, so we know he doesn’t want to turn anyone away. So what’s going on? There’s a theme in Luke’s gospel that comes into play here, I think. The paragraph we’re studying tomorrow is at the beginning of a part of Luke that is often called The Travel Narrative or The…