Sermon Archive (Page 95)

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Complete Sermon Archive

Walking with Abraham: A Wrong Turn South

It’s a good thing that we don’t always get what we deserve, isn’t it? And it’s a good thing that God’s carrying out his plan doesn’t depend on our doing what we’re supposed to do. Here’s a true statement that should bring us joy: God is faithful . . . even when we aren’t. In the first part of Genesis 12 God called Abraham and promised to use him to make a huge difference in the world, with the culminating…

Love Your Enemies

It’s hard to love people who make us angry, isn’t it? And the people with whom we disagree on very fundamental things, like God, morality, and good and evil. And people who have hurt us or our families, or who make life difficult for us at work or school. Or people who talk about us behind our backs. The list could go on, I suppose. Jesus says to love even them. Especially them. Part of what makes us different from…

That Other Side of Jesus: He Talks About Fiery Furnaces

Three weeks ago I introduced a short sermon series (click here to view) about the importance of seeing Jesus as he is portrayed in the Bible, and not just in the way that makes us most comfortable. We all like to think about the Jesus who held babies and forgave sinners and ate dinner at tax collectors’ houses. We may not be as comfortable with “that other side of Jesus”: the one who turns over tables, talks about “weeping and…