Sermon Archive (Page 93)

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Complete Sermon Archive

The Ups and Downs of Faith

What do we do when we face unfulfilled dreams? When life doesn’t turn out the way we want? When God doesn’t seem to be doing the things that he said he would? Sometimes we “help” God. We do his work for him to “encourage” him to do what he said he would. The problem is—that rarely turns out well. But we can probably relate to Sarai’s frustration, can’t we? She was older and the chances of her conceiving a child…

Walking with Abraham: Faith, Not Sight

Broadly speaking, we look at the world in two ways: by sight and by faith. Looking by sight is viewing the world around us in an unspiritual way–the way most of the world looks at things. So we make decisions based on what makes us most comfortable, what’s the easiest, what will bring the most immediate and greatest pleasures, etc. Looking by faith is looking at the world through a spiritual lens. We look beneath the surface to the true…

Walking with Abraham: A Wrong Turn South

It’s a good thing that we don’t always get what we deserve, isn’t it? And it’s a good thing that God’s carrying out his plan doesn’t depend on our doing what we’re supposed to do. Here’s a true statement that should bring us joy: God is faithful . . . even when we aren’t. In the first part of Genesis 12 God called Abraham and promised to use him to make a huge difference in the world, with the culminating…