Pre-Teen Devotional
There will be a Pre-Teen Devotional in the Fellowship Hall on Wednesday, May 9, at 5:30pm. Stacey Holland and Michelle Judd are the coordinators for this event.
Youth Group Dinner
The Youth Group will meet in the Teen Room on Wednesday, May 9, at 3:30pm and then go to Chick-Fil-A at 5:30pm.
Area-Wide Youth Retreat
The Area-Wide Retreat will be at Camp Ney-A-Ti in Guntersville, AL, on Friday-Sunday (May 4-6). The bus will leave at 4:00pm. Please bring money to eat while traveling (there are no other costs), a bed roll, clothes, and toiletries.
Ladies Game Night
The Hoover Ladies will have a Dinner and Game Night after the evening worship service on Sunday, April 22. If you plan to attend, please sign the sheet that is on the back rail in the auditorium.
Area-Wide Youth Devotional
There will be an Area-Wide Devotional at the Trussville Play Station on Sun- day, April 22. The bus will depart at 4:15pm and return around 7:30pm. Supper will be provided, and there will be no cost for this event.
New Members Picture Day
Please see Susan Pope or Donna Handley if you have any questions.
Young at Heart Game Night
The Young at Heart will meet for a Game Night and Birthday Celebration in the Fellowship Hall on Friday, April 20, at 5:30pm. Those who had a birthday in March and April will be honored. Our menu is salad and baked potatoes. Please see Jeanne Anderson if you have any questions.
Family Skate Day
All youth and adults are invited to a Family Skate Day at the Roller Motion Skating Rink in Bessemer on Saturday, April 14, from 10:00am-12:00noon. Lunch will be provided.
Annual Easter Egg Hunt
Our Annual Easter Egg Hunt will be on Saturday, March 24, from 2:00-4:00pm at the Hoover building. This is for Nursery-5th grade and their parents. Please donate candy-filled eggs—hard candy for the 5 years old and up and soft candy for those under five years old. There will be two boxes in the foyer for you to put the candy in.
Lads to Leaders Workshop
Bible Bowl: 5:30-6:30pm Pizza Puppets: 7:00-9:00pm
Lads to Leaders Workshop
Speech—1:00-1:45pm Bible Bowl—1:45-2:45pm Puppets—3:00-4:30pm