Philippine Mission Work

ACU Bearing Fruit

The apostle Paul instructed the young preacher, Timothy that he should, “preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching.” (II Timothy 4:2 ESV) This is what the faculty, staff, students, and graduates of Asian Christian University (ACU) are doing. With all diligence, the Gospel message is being shared with those who need to hear. The results are evidence of the faithful teaching and preaching. The recent news of…

Christ’s Happy Childhaven

Christ’s Happy Childhaven Download/print  What an exciting time to be on the ACH/CHC campus. While we were there we could walk over the land that was in the process of being purchased. This additional 15.5 acres will allow the space for the greatly needed expansion of Christ’s Happy Childhaven. The space will allow for the construction of two additional children’s homes. The added space will allow double the capacity to care for the precious children who have lost their parents.…

May 2018 Philippines Mission Work Newsletter

Philippines Trip April 12-23, 2018 Download/print On April 12, 2018, a team of four, consisting of Lanice White from the Guin Church of Christ, Kathleen Eiring, Anita Williams and Bill Rayburn from the Hoover Church of Christ traveled from Birmingham, AL to the ACU campus to conduct a full week of activities. The three ladies in the group conducted a two-day Teachers’ Training Workshop to help the children’s teachers in Pangasinan to equip them with tools that will help them…
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