Sermon Archive (Page 97)

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Complete Sermon Archive

Show Me the Coin

There’s a lot of talk these days about the relationship between Christians and government. This isn’t a new kind of tension, because apparently Jesus’ peers had similar discussions. In this short text, Jesus doesn’t solve all of the difficulties, of course—Paul would later reflect on this this theme more in Romans 13—but he speaks to some of the tensions in his world: he didn’t side with the Zealots, who wanted to rebel against the government, and neither did he side…

Be Careful That You Do Not Forget

Going through hard times tests your faith–where is God? Does he care? Why isn’t he doing something? But we probably don’t talk as much as we should about the opposite problem: the dangers of prosperity. In our text for tomorrow, God warns Israel as they prepare to enter Canaan. He knows they’ll be tempted to forget who is responsible for giving them the land. He knows that many of them will turn away from him and worship false gods, giving…