Sermon Archive (Page 97)

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Complete Sermon Archive

Dead Bones that Live

Judah was in a truly desperate situation—exiled in Babylon with no hope of ever getting home (from a human perspective, at least). To illustrate their situation, God takes Ezekiel and by the Spirit puts him in a valley of dry bones. There was no sign of life in them, representing Judah’s hopeless existence. But then God breathed new life into them, and he told Ezekiel what this vision meant. God would breathe new life into his people and restore them…

From Calm to Chaos

What should we do when life goes from calm to chaos in an instant? The answer and point of the lesson is this: In our darkest hour we can approach God’s throne of grace with confidence knowing that we will be received not with judgment, but with sympathy and mercy. Why should we expect such a reception? In Hebrews 2:14-18 we learn that (see also Hebrews 4:14-16): He was made exactly like us: fully human in every way. This qualified…

Let the little children come to me

In the month of May, we’re having a “Train up a Child” campaign—we’re hoping to be able to fill all of our children’s Bible class rotations with teachers through May 2019. In conjunction with this emphasis, we studied the text above. We discussed how children weren’t highly valued in the world of antiquity for different reasons, which may explain why the disciples discouraged people from bringing them to Jesus. The disciples also probably had an inflated sense of their own…

Ambassadors of God’s Kingdom

Nic took Paul’s use of “ambassadors” in 2 Corinthians 5 and illustrated how Christians are ambassadors of God’s kingdom in the world today. Just as different cultures have different values and different ways of prioritizing their values, so God’s kingdom has a structured value system. Christians go into the kingdom of this world and spread the cultural values of God’s kingdom. Nic listed three of these values: (1) We value truth. This is a bedrock value—it undergirds the Christian faith.…