Sermon Archive (Page 91)

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Complete Sermon Archive

God’s Beautiful Story: Genesis 1-11

God’s beautiful story Act 1: God establishes his Kingdom: Creation Act 2: Rebellion in the Kingdom: Fall Act 3: The King chooses Israel: Redemption Initiated Interlude: A Kingdom Story Waiting for an Ending Act 4: The Coming of the King: Redemption Accomplished Act 5: Spreading the News of the King: The Mission of the Church Act 6: The Return of the King: Redemption Completed Key themes in Genesis 1-11 Yahweh creates by bringing order and beauty out of chaos and…

A Rule of Life: Habits, Not Resolutions

“We become what we repeatedly do”–Sean Covey. Every year as the calendar flips, many of us get caught up in the dream of change, and in so many ways this is a beautiful thing. Justin Earley writes, “There is common grace in a calendar that regularly presents us with opportunities to reconsider how we live. The flurry of resolutions made this time of year reminds us that we really do long to be made new.” But true renewal is only…