Sermons on The Gospel (Page 3)
The Kingdom of God Has Come Near
“Kingdom” is the emphasis for our One Word devotional book reading for the upcoming week, so I plan to focus on that theme Sunday. Kingdom is a hugely significant theme in the Bible–it’s used more than 200 times in the Old Testament alone–but sometimes we’re a bit vague on exactly what it means. Sometimes people think of kingdom as synonymous with the church, but that doesn’t come close to explaining the nuances and implications of kingdom thought in the Bible. Sometimes people…
Self-Control and the Christian Walk
Our One Word for the upcoming week is Self-Control, and it’s in the section of our devotional reading that has to do with Christian Character. In other words, Christians ought to be characterized by self-control. Everyone wants it, right? Or at least we want more of it. We want the ability to resist the slice of cheesecake after dinner, or to resist vegging out in front of Netflix for a couple of hours, or to stay away from mindless internet surfing, or whatever. But of…
Fresh Wineskins
Some people are quick to disregard old things, as if everything traditional is bad. Other folks, on the other hand, are irrationally committed to old ways, even when new approaches might work better. This partly explains the ongoing tension between generations that always seems to be felt. Jesus might’ve waded a little into a discussion like that with his challenge of the religion of his day. Many religious leaders rejected him because he was bringing something new, and for them,…
I Have Found a Book
These days were some of the darkest in Judah’s history. Manasseh’s fifty-five-year reign of terror was followed by the two-year reign of his son Amon, which was little better. Then came Josiah at the tender age of eight. He began his reign when the people had never known a king who cared about God. Idol worship filled the land, the priesthood was largely corrupt, and the people were lost. And then one day several years later when Josiah had come…