Sermon Archive (Page 27)

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Complete Sermon Archive

In Him Was Life

We’re spending a couple of weeks on John’s incredibly beautiful Prologue (John 1:1-18), one of the most enriching descriptions of the Incarnate Son of God to be found anywhere in Scripture. Tomorrow we’ll study what John tells us about Jesus as the “life” and “light.” Notice John’s wording: it’s not just that Jesus *gives* life and *brings* light . . . he *is* life, and he *is* light. Consequently, we’re raised from our deadness because we become partakers of his…

Baptized in Egypt

It’s not an exaggeration to say that the Exodus from Egypt via the miraculous crossing of the Red Sea in some ways is the most important single story of the Old Testament. From that point on it became for Israel the paradigmatic example of God’s protection of and provision for his people. Even before it happened, it was foreshadowed in other Genesis stories (e.g., Gen 3, 6-9, 12). But even more importantly, it points toward the overarching narrative of the…