Sermon Archive (Page 21)

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Complete Sermon Archive

Parenting With a Purpose: Shaping Your Child’s Heart

When you have children, you have ideas about what you want them to be like as they grow up. Depending on what’s important to you–or in some cases, unfulfilled dreams in your own life–you point them in certain directions. You might hope that they’ll be a gifted, dedicated athlete who gets a full ride to college. Or you want them to be brilliant academically, breezing through school with a perfect GPA and high test scores and the consequent college acceptance letters.…

Parenting With a Purpose: Obedience, Discipline, and Instruction

We’ve all witnessed a child’s atrocious behavior in a public place and thought critical thoughts about his parents’ lack of ability to “control their child.” And, to be honest, we’ve all probably been the parents of a child who publicly (and embarrassingly) acts as if she has never learned what “no” means (though we’ve taught her many, many times . . .). How do parents get their children to behave? How do we teach them to respect boundaries, control their…