Posts from June 2018

Ready to go

A few years back I read a biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German Christian who lived during the Third Reich’s reign of terror. He refused to bow to the Nazis’ demands of the church, and ultimately they imprisoned and executed him. He faced his death with remarkable confidence, fully trusting that being executed for his convictions was far preferable to compromise. Death did not frighten him. That kind of attitude has always fascinated me, and the apostle Paul certainly had…

From Tanzania to our Hoover church family

I’m writing this on Thursday night Tanzania time, and this is the point in the week when we’re all pretty much both exhausted and exhilarated. We’re tired because of long days of walking and teaching, and we’re excited because of what God is doing in and through the Tanzanian people. And, of course, we’re a little homesick as well, even though things here are going well. Here’s a quick update: This week we’ve focused primarily on three goals: The majority…

Christ’s Happy Childhaven

Christ’s Happy Childhaven Download/print  What an exciting time to be on the ACH/CHC campus. While we were there we could walk over the land that was in the process of being purchased. This additional 15.5 acres will allow the space for the greatly needed expansion of Christ’s Happy Childhaven. The space will allow for the construction of two additional children’s homes. The added space will allow double the capacity to care for the precious children who have lost their parents.…

May 2018 Philippines Mission Work Newsletter

Philippines Trip April 12-23, 2018 Download/print On April 12, 2018, a team of four, consisting of Lanice White from the Guin Church of Christ, Kathleen Eiring, Anita Williams and Bill Rayburn from the Hoover Church of Christ traveled from Birmingham, AL to the ACU campus to conduct a full week of activities. The three ladies in the group conducted a two-day Teachers’ Training Workshop to help the children’s teachers in Pangasinan to equip them with tools that will help them…